Baby | Andrea Gioè |

Note del brano Baby

(Musica: Andrea Gioè; Parole: Maikol Arcarisi)

Testo Baby

In my destiny there‘s only a thought
And i don’t know what year is yeah
But I’m sure that my heart thinks only about you
Baby, baby oh no oh no

Rit: Baby you‘ll never leave me
Let me always be with you please
Baby you‘ll never forget me yeah
Let me always be with you please

no oh oh

Let my eyes escape with you at least
My life cannot go on (like this)
The desire of having you back with me
But everything depends on your fate

Rit: Baby you‘ll never leave me
Let me always be with you please
Baby you‘ll never forget me yeah
Let me always be with you please

You listen to your heart and mine
And i will conquer you
And i will ambrace noone but you …
Oh … no one but you!

Rit: Baby you‘ll never leave me
Let me always be with you please
Baby you‘ll never forget me yeah
Let me always be with you please

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